
Government, tomorrow the cards will be revealed. Berlusconi: "I want to see who has the courage to betray me"

After today's yellow, tomorrow the showdown in Parliament: even the League is asking the premier to take a step back, but Berlusconi doesn't agree and will try to overcome the dissent within the PDL – The premier: “I'm not resigning! I will trust because I want to face those who have the courage to betray me"

Government, tomorrow the cards will be revealed. Berlusconi: "I want to see who has the courage to betray me"

"No, I'm not resigning! On the contrary, I will place my trust because I want to face those who have the courage to betray me". From Arcore, where a meeting was in progress with his and Fedele Confalonieri's sons (sometimes business problems overlap with political ones, albeit difficult ones), Silvio Berlusconi denied the many rumors that he wanted him to resign within a few hours. Rumors welcomed with enthusiasm by the markets after the spread against German securities had reached 491. Even the pressure from the League, which invited him to step aside, has so far not been successful. And then everything seems postponed until tomorrow. A day which, if not decisive (we have heard too many announced) will still be important, given that the Chamber will have to vote on the State Report, which, if not approved, would mark a worrying political and institutional vacuum.

And it is for this reason that (always according to the saying) the opposition would be preparing to abstain, so as not to open this gap, but also with the aim of counting each other, by contrasting the abstentions with the votes in favor of the majority. To show that this is no more. As can be seen, a lot is played on parliamentary technologies. And certainly the oppositions, which can count on a strengthened axis between Bersani and Casini in directing, will try as much as possible to keep their cards covered. Which would also provide for the presentation of a motion of no confidence. This time in the House. When Berlusconi talks about trusting, he refers first of all to the Senate where, when they are ready, the measures that implement the by now famous letter of intent to the EU should be presented. In short: the government's request for confidence in the Senate could be anticipated by a motion of no confidence from the opposition in the Chamber. As always happens in moments of confusion there is no shortage of oddities.

So let's see what certain things are. Berlusconi, on the sidelines of the company family lunch, also had political meetings and contacts. He received Minister Rotondi, but also Northern League minister Calderoli, who came as ambassador, while the League's general staff was still meeting in Via Bellerio (with Bossi). And in the Carroccio, we have seen that, for example, Interior Minister Maroni deems Berlusconi's resistance to the bitter end now useless. The other certain thing is that tomorrow Bersani, after having met Pannella and Bonino to clarify what the radicals' attitude, including tactical ones, will be, will participate with Casini in a meeting of the group leaders of the Pd, IDV and third pole. And it is here that the definitive strategy that should (intentionally) lead to the fall of the government will be developed. For when? Even on the timing, the oppositions consider the path of secrecy to be appropriate in order not to allow Berlusconi to organize himself better. At the same time, tomorrow Berlusconi will begin to call one by one those who smell of treason and will try to convince everyone to desist.

Finally there is the problem of after. What will happen if Berlusconi should really find himself without the majority and thus be forced to take the famous step backwards? In the Center-Right it is believed that there should not be a new Executive, but that elections should be held immediately. Casini and Bersani are betting above all on a government of national responsibility led by Mario Monti, but they know that even this path could prove impervious, if there is solid opposition from the current majority. In this complicated framework, every decision, Constitution in hand, is left only to the wisdom and prudence of the President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano. Fortunately.
