
Government of truce and an end to impossible promises: what Italy needs

Europe sends us to say that Italy does not need just any government but a government capable of resuming the path of reforms and putting aside dangerous electoral illusions for democracy and for our economy - No to cheerful public spending and enlargement of the State in the economy – It would take an authentic liberal-democratic force – VIDEO.

Government of truce and an end to impossible promises: what Italy needs

European Commissioner Moscovici has sent a loud and clear signal to put an end to the inconclusive ballet of the Italian parties after the elections of 4 March. Italy – he said – is growing less than all the other European countries and the work of restructuring its public budget has not made any progress in recent months. And this while a general slowdown in growth is looming due to the decline in international trade. In short, Italy has not taken advantage of the good economic situation of recent years to repair its unsafe house, and now it has no more time to lose if it does not want to be overwhelmed by a possible new economic and financial crisis.

President Mattarella was not taken aback from the call of Brussels and is preparing to speed up the times to get out of the crisisi by launching a Government of truce in order to launch a financial law capable of reassuring the markets, and at the same time participate with greater authority in the important international meetings of the G7 and the EU to defend the interests of our country both on the issue of duties that threaten to hinder international trade, both on the budget and the reform of the European Community which should start at the end of June.

But there is also a second non-explicit message in Moscovici's words, but equally evident in his reasoning: Italy does not need just any government and least of all a government dominated by sovereign extremists who bet all their cards on increasing public spending. Instead, there is a need for a government capable of resuming the path of reforms to raise growth potential, at the same time keeping public spending and debt under strict control, to prevent the announced change of easy money policy by the ECB could cause us a strong crisis of public and private finance.

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However, the parties that almost won the last elections, namely 5 Stars and the League, do not seem to have understood anything of what is happening in the world and continue to feed the illusions of Italians with recipes which, if implemented, would lead us all to ruin. hitting in particular the weaker classes that they say they want to protect. And indeed not by chance Grillo has withdrawn the idea of ​​a referendum on the Euro thinking that the people can believe that the solution to our problems lies in the possibility of printing and circulating a national currency which in a short time would be worth more or less the paper on which it is printed.

On the other side Salvini economists say that debt is not a problem, just don't reimburse it to the millions of Italians who own it, while Meloni's deputy, Crosetto, declared to Porta a Porta (to the indifference of the journalists present) that their goal is to revise Article 81 of the Constitution so as to be able increase the budget deficit.

Unfortunately, the Italian chaos is damaging not only our country but also Europe. In fact, French President Macron, who was elected on a European Community advancement program in both defense and the economy, is unable to find interlocutors willing to march with him in this direction. Mrs Merkel's Germany does not seem able to launch courageous initiatives and seems to fall back on minimal advances in common ties that do not increase the risks perceived by German citizens. The countries of the East are not open to common policies on immigration, while those of the North have sent a threatening letter to Brussels to stop any attempt to create a common economic policy.

In this difficult situation the voice of Italy is missing, which has not been involved in the initiative of France, Germany and England to counter Trump's intention to impose tariffs on European steel, it has remained silent towards what is happening in Syria and above all does not let its role in Brussels weigh on the European budget and other dossiers economic ones such as the banking one or that of the so-called bailout fund.

At this point it is very clear that Di Maio and Salvini are unable to form a government (neither together nor with other allies). And it is basically a good thing that this point has been clarified without having to verify on the skin of the Italians how crazy their proposals are both in foreign policy and in the economy.

A government of truce is what is needed to certify their failure and to be able to start convincing citizens that the votes given to extremist formations are not only useless, but above all harmful to democracy because they are based on promises that are impossible to keep. Certainly the truce should serve the other political forces, and in particular the PD, to clarify what it wants to be in perspective and what it means today to want to be "leftist". Allying with the 5 Stars means exchanging the wolf for the lamb and that is exchanging for something left a force that is essentially right, and an ugly right, undemocratic and ready for any adventure in order to stay in power.

Furthermore, there is a lack of a broad liberal-democratic formation, capable of speaking to the many voters who want to remain in the Western world (who do not show sympathy for Putin), who do not want the inflation that would arise from a happy public spending policy, who are wary of a enlargement of the state in the economy through the nationalization of banks and companies in difficulty. A political formation that does not exist in Italy but that perhaps could be the only real novelty capable of beating the populists. In this sense, a manifesto was disseminated in Europe (signed by many intellectuals from Bernard-Henry Lévy to Negroponte, Fukuyama, Turow) which however has not received much attention in our country. Maybe it would be good to think about it for a bit.
