
Government, Education Minister Fioramonti (M5S) has resigned

The minister announces his resignation to Conte, complaining about the lack of funds for the school, but is preparing to leave the Five Stars to form a small parliamentary group to support the current prime minister

Government, Education Minister Fioramonti (M5S) has resigned

The grillino minister of the Public Education, Lorenzo Fioramonti he resigned last night with a letter to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in which he complains lack of funds for the school provided for in recent budget maneuver.

Since taking office in the department of Viale Trastevere, the minister had announced that they were needed for school at least 3 billion euros and that he would leave if they did not come. The Minister of Economy, Roberto Gualtieri, had recently responded to him arguing that “in the maneuver we have allocated 2 billion for the school. We would have liked to do more but we will do it in the next manoeuvre".

Fioramonti's malaise in the Government and in the 5 Star Movement is not a surprise, but the novelty that the resignation suggests is instead the formation of a small group of parliamentarians who abandon - under the direction of Fioramonti - the Five Stars and they form in an autonomous pro-Conte group. It can become the embryo of a new political entity that could prepare a list of the Prime Minister in the next elections.

Even the resignation of Fioramonti testifies in any case that the dismemberment of the Five Stars does not stop and that Luigi Di Maio's leadership is increasingly in question. The investiture of Giuseppe Conte as leader of the center-left recently and surprisingly announced by the secretary of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti, which has aroused many disagreements in the ranks of his party, fits into this picture.
