
Government crisis, Della Vedova (+Europe): "Consolidate the Draghi Agenda also for the next legislature"

INTERVIEW WITH BENEDETTO DELLA VEDOVA, SECRETARY PIU' EUROPE FEDERATA WITH ACTION BY CARLO CALENDA: “This legislature can be considered a half-miracle. We are working to ensure that the next Parliament can express a clear majority in favor of continuing the Draghi Agenda”

Government crisis, Della Vedova (+Europe): "Consolidate the Draghi Agenda also for the next legislature"

“We are trying to finish this legislature in a natural and orderly way to complete the work that the Draghi government has set, and to lay the foundations for the continuation of its agenda even after the elections next spring”. Benedict DellaVedova, secretary of Più Europa federata con Azione di Carlo Calenda, and currently Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs, has no doubts. As evidenced by the mobilization of many Italian and foreign personalities, our country also needs for the next six to eight months a government in full power to do some things of primary interest to all Italians. 

Draghi's role in Europe is irreplaceable

“I quote – continues Della Vedova – the most important ones. There Budget law which will be difficult and which only a personality endowed with charisma will be able to complete without creating holes in the public accounts and therefore without alarming the markets. Then there is thethe energy, a sector in which we must continue to work without a moment of distraction to ensure Italy a normal or nearly normal winter. Then there are the many reforms still in Parliament and which would risk falling apart, starting with the one on competition. The international chapter is the most important. Thanks to Draghi, our country today has a leading role both in outlining the tone of the response to Putin's terrifying aggression against Ukraine and in drafting some fundamental rules for the life of the EU. Think about the renewal of the stability pact where our government will have to be vigilant to avoid the introduction of regulations that are against the interests of our country. And also the proposal of the ceiling on the price of gas, without Draghi who is the proponent, it would probably be dropped ”.

We are certainly still in an emergency situation. Many things have been done, but others must be completed before the end of the year to avoid being penalized by Brussels on the Pnrr installments. But who can guarantee that the political forces will maintain their support for the Government, even when, with the elections imminent, the need for visibility to chase the votes of this or that category becomes stronger? 

“This legislature – says Della Vedova – can be considered a half-miracle. If we recall that it started with a yellow-green government, i.e. of two parties that had presented the voters with a program for exiting the Euro and for de-coupling from Europe, and is ending up with a Pro-European and Atlanticist government, it is clear that the populists' chatter has not stood up to the test of reality. We at Più Europa ed Azione have been consistent in rejecting any compromise with the Conte 1 and 2 Governments. We were Dragonians before Draghi. And so we are working to complete what the Government has started and to ensure that the next Parliament can express a clear majority in favor of continuing the Draghi Agenda". 

Abandon populism to start growing again

Unlike previous governments, what most of all characterized the Draghi program is the emphasis placed on "growth". The investments of the Pnrr and the additional ones allocated from our budget, together with the reforms, including that of the taxman, serve precisely to change the face of the country, increase our competitiveness and enable us to grow as, if not more, than ours partners. Only in this way can we have more jobs e higher wages

“Precisely herein lies the difference between serious and farsighted politics and demagogic populism. Meloni and Salvini have a program based on more public spending, lower taxes for everyone, a defense of Italian spirit that verges on autarky, support for the corporations in their most intransigent fringes. I have repeatedly heard Meloni say that it is necessary to help companies that employ many employees, without going to see if they are efficient, if they have made investments, or if they have a lot of manpower to get more state aid. Thus, early retirements have been granted to people (especially in the public sector) who are certainly not in need, or there is a fight for the super bonuses from which the wealthier classes benefited”.

Basically Draghi must reach the end of the legislature, even without the support of the 5 Stars which, moreover, hardly exist anymore, because in this way a work of revision of the functioning of the Italian system can be completed and it is consolidated in the citizens who will be called to vote, the opinion that even for the next few years it will be worth continuing to follow an Agenda aimed at remodeling Italy. Only in this way will it be possible to offer growth opportunities to everyone, especially young people who do not find a suitable place in our country and often prefer to go abroad.
