
Governance and Sustainability Index: Snam, Enel and Generali in the lead

Snam, Enel and Generali lead the Integrated Governance Index 2017, the first national Observatory on the degree of integration of sustainability in corporate strategies - But the entire sample of analyses, the top 100 stock exchange companies, show a high degree of involvement

Governance and Sustainability Index: Snam, Enel and Generali in the lead

The three companies ahead of all in integrated governance are Snam, Enel and Generali. But it is the entire sample of the Integrated Governance Index 2017, the top 100 Italian listed companies, that demonstrates unexpected progress and awareness of the new strategic model. Each company was invited to analyze and report their own sustainability governance model in a questionnaire of about thirty questions.

The average score, relating to comparable companies, i.e. those that also participated in the 2016 edition, was 12% higher than last year. Furthermore, the survey recorded excellent feedback (quantitative and qualitative), with a notable response from mid-cap companies (those after the top 40, not considered in the 2016 edition).

The overall degree of engagement was around 50%, between completed questionnaires (33) and companies that wanted to interact with the project by postponing the compilation, due to exogenous contingencies (extraordinary operations or management changes) or opportunities for internal balance (companies that started the journey).


For Snam, recognition is the result of an articulated and complex process that continuously translates into innovative and cross-business activities. “Snam has achieved this important result - said the CEO of Snam, Marco Alverà - also thanks to three initiatives. The constant attention to anti-corruption issues also recognized by Transparency International, the launch of the Snam Foundation to be increasingly present in the area in which we operate, promoting civil, cultural and economic development, and finally thanks to the Board which approved significant new investments for a further fight against climate change".

Integrated governance represents the recent evolution of governance practices, processes and culture with the aim of taking into consideration all EESG factors (economic, environmental, social, governance) and all forms of value creation, the 6 capitals, that make up the value of a company (financial, manufacturing, social and relational, natural, human and intellectual) in the development of strategies, with particular attention to medium-long term orientations. For references, see the UNEP-Finance Initiative publication “Integrated Governance, a new model of Governance for Sustainability”.
