
Google in the Antitrust crosshairs for "Android Auto"

According to the Authority, Big G allegedly abused its dominant position by refusing to integrate the "Enel X Recharge" app into the Android Auto environment to defend the Google Maps business model

Google in the Antitrust crosshairs for "Android Auto"

THEAntitrust has opened ainvestigation on Google for alleged abuse of a dominant position through the operating system Android. On Thursday, officials from the Authority and the Guardia di Finanza inspected some offices of the companies involved.

The case also involves Enel. Indeed, Google would refused to integrate the “Enel X Recharge” app into the Android Auto environment, developed by the Italian electric group to provide information and services useful for recharging electric car batteries.

According to the Antitrust, Google would have wanted this way defend and strengthen the business model of its Google Maps app.

"Through the Android operating system - reads the Antitrust note - Google holds a dominant position in the market for operating systems for smart devices and would have refused to integrate 'Enel X Recharge' into the Android Auto environment", which "allows owners of Android smartphones to use certain apps and mobile phone functions easily and safely when driving a vehicle. Therefore, the exclusion of the Enel X Recharge app from Android Auto reduces the usability of this app by users and limits the latter's ability to use the app's utilities, including reserving charging stations".

All this to defend Google Maps, “which offers a vast range of services to end users – continues the Authority – including information on the location of the columns for recharging electric cars and indications on how to reach them. Google Maps also represents an access point to end users, as well as to the flow of data generated by their activities".

The investigation will be completed by 30 May 2020.

Meanwhile, a Google spokesperson responded that “Android Auto is designed with safety in mind, to minimize distractions and ensure apps can be used safely while driving. We are reviewing the measure and will continue to work with the authorities to address their concerns." ority50
