
Goodbye Citizenship Income: the inclusion check and the cut in the tax wedge are coming. All the measures of the CDM at work

Fibrillation between Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and the unions on the Government's decisions on work on May XNUMXst which resize the Citizenship Income by replacing it with the Inclusion Allowance and cut - but only for six months - the tax wedge for workers in the lowest brackets

Goodbye Citizenship Income: the inclusion check and the cut in the tax wedge are coming. All the measures of the CDM at work

The long-awaited measures are coming work, with the decree approved by cabinet that the Meloni government symbolically wanted to convene for today, May 3,4st, on Workers' Day. In terms of coverage, the measure would be financed with the XNUMX billion euros recovered with the Def just approved and which lead to an increase in debt compared to the trend for 2023. While another 1,6 billion have been recovered through the revision of measures already envisaged.

"It's not a lack of respect, it's a signal and I would have expected a 'well done'". Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said on the sidelines of themeeting with union leaders of Cgil, Cisl, Uil and Ugl convened at Palazzo Chigi last night, which was not lacking in controversy and tension. “It was a way – he underlined – to say 'we are here and we are all here', an outstretched hand, an attempt to dialogue and work together, because I think we are in agreement on cutting the tax wedge”.

Labor Decree: here are the main measures

But what are the new measures of the work decree? From the cut in the tax wedge to the reform of the Citizenship Income, which will be replaced with the new inclusion allowance, up to the rules for fixed-term contracts: here are the main new features.

Cutting the tax wedge: how is the paycheck changing?

Il tax wedge cut on salaries up to 35 thousand gross euros it will rise by another six points compared to the two cut so far, while for salaries up to 25 thousand by seven points against the current three. Employees will have almost 100 euros more in their paycheck. But the paycheck will be heavier for only five months, from July to December then the wedge cut by the Draghi government will return, but workers will be able to benefit from the thirteenth salary. The idea is to repeat the measure also in 2024, but the measure will cost at least 12 billion.

Increase in the fringe benefit threshold

Then there is another novelty for the category: no taxation on fringe benefits for company bonuses up to €3.000 for workers with dependent children. "The value of the goods sold and of the services provided to employees with dependent children as well as the sums paid or reimbursed to them by the employers for the payment of domestic utilities for the integrated water service, electricity and natural gas within the overall limit of Euro 3.000". The expected expenditure is equal to 142 million euros for the year 2023, 12,4 euros for 2024.

Goodbye to Citizenship Income, here comes the Inclusion Check

From 1 January 2024, as a measure to "combat poverty, fragility and social exclusion", comes theInclusion check. The measure that will replace the Basic income it is aimed at families in which there are disabled people, minors or over-60s and which can reach 500 euros per month (630 euros if made up of over 67s or with severe disabilities), to which can be added 280 euros per month if they live in rent. The inclusion allowance will be paid for 18 months and can be renewed, after a one-month break, for further periods of 12 months. Must have been resident in Italy for at least five years and have an ISEE not exceeding 9.360 euros. To receive the benefit, you will have to register with the Information System for Social and Employment Inclusion (Siisl). Controls on beneficiaries will be tightened. The ADI will be revoked in the event of refusal of even a single job offer lasting more than one month and with a salary in line with the contractual minimums. The only constraint, for fixed-term jobs of less than 12 months, is that the place of work is no more than 80 kilometers from the beneficiary's home. If, on the other hand, the offer is open-ended, it can come from all over Italy.

For adults aged between 18 and 59 who are able to work, singles or couples, there is one compensation of 350 euros, but only if they attend training courses, other active policy measures, the civil service, socially useful jobs. A mini-check that can be requested from 2023 September XNUMX and cannot be received for more than a year.

Incentives for hiring and new bonus for young NEETs

Private employers who hire the beneficiaries of the Inclusion allowance with permanent or apprenticeship contracts will be granted, for one year, the100% waiver of social security contributions, within the limit of 8.000 euros per year (50% if on a fixed-term or seasonal basis).

Also, if private employers hire young people from 1 June to 31 December 2023 under 30 NEETs – who do not study and do not work – and who are registered in the National Operational Program "Youth Employment Initiative" will be able to apply for a one-year incentive, "to the extent of 60% of the gross monthly salary taxable for social security purposes".

Fixed-term contracts: "softer" reasons

Many constraints will be removed term recruitment: recourse to a fixed-term employment relationship is free for the first 12 months, and then conditional for a subsequent period of up to two years. There is also a one-year extension, in companies with at least a thousand employees, of expansion contracts, aimed at allowing early retirements of up to 5 years.

Le causal – reasons that justify the use of fixed-term rather than permanent contracts – will become "softer" and will be linked to collective or company agreements or delegated to agreements between employer and employee. In reality, there are several contracts that already do this: textile-clothing, food artisans, leather goods, paper makers and industrial laundries. With this intervention, the government therefore intends to broaden the area of ​​the sectors involved.

Apprenticeship over 29 years and vouchers up to 15 thousand euros

Skip the age limit of 29 for i apprenticeship contracts professionalizing for the achievement of a professional qualification in the tourism and spa sector. And it goes up to 40 years for those who are unemployed. As for the voucher the usage threshold rises from 10 to 15 euros for users who operate in the sectors of congresses, fairs, events, spas and amusement parks, with the exception, however, of users who have up to 25 permanent employees.

Safety news among the measures of the Work decree

Not only new support measures or incentives for employment, the Labor decree also introduces innovations as regards the job security. There is the extension of the obligation to appoint the competent doctor, recipient of new tasks. Self-employed workers will be better protected on mobile and temporary construction sites, while cleaners, carers and domestic workers in general will be able to access Inail's health surveillance. Students and school staff will have access to the same protection in the event of accidents during training. Still on education, the government establishes a fund with the work decree to compensate the families of students who died due to accidents during the school-work courses. Compensation will be retroactive.
