
Goldman Sachs, Italy nightmare: GDP -1,6% in 2012

Double than expected for the entire Eurozone (-0,8%) – According to the Banca d'Affaires, Spain will drop by 1,5%, Switzerland by 0,7%, the Netherlands by 0,5, 0,4% and France by XNUMX%.

Goldman Sachs, Italy nightmare: GDP -1,6% in 2012

After bad forecasts by Standard & Poor's, the deadly omens of Goldman Sachs. According to the estimates of the US business bank, which has published its Outlook for 2012-2013, next year the GDP of our country it will literally sink: even a contraction of 1,6%, twice as much as expected for the entire Eurozone (-0,8%).

And also for 2013 growth is expected to be below zero: -0,1%, against an estimated +0,7% for the Eurozone. The Italian one is considered the worst among the advanced economies: according to Goldman Sachs, the GDP of Spain will drop by 1,5%, that of Switzerland by 0,7%, that of Holland of 0,5% and the GDP of France 0,4%.

The forecast for the Germany for 2012 they are instead of a growth of 0,1%. More vigorous growth for the Britain, seen next year at +0,7%.
