
Golden share also for local public services

An amendment to the bill on the golden share provides that local public services of public interest will also be included among the sectors "protected" by the special powers of the state.

Golden share also for local public services

Local public services will also be among the sectors in which the special powers of the state can be exercised. This is what is foreseen by an amendment proposed and approved in the Budget and Finance committees of the Chamber.

The decree law on the Golden share refers to the special powers on corporate structures in the sectors of defense and national security, activities of strategic importance in the energy, transport and communications sectors.

The amendment introduced also extends the range of action to local public services, but that's not all: it is also envisaged that the competent parliamentary commissions can express opinions on the regulations issued by the government on the matter.

Furthermore, the executive will have to make a report to the Chambers on the application of the rules. The general discussion of the measure in the courtroom is scheduled to start on April 11th. 
