
Golden Power and cybersecurity: the Government's squeeze on PA, TLC and defense clouds

In defense of national strategic companies and the Public Administration, the Government has decided to strengthen special powers through the Golden Power and to strengthen cybersecurity measures

Golden Power and cybersecurity: the Government's squeeze on PA, TLC and defense clouds

Government Squeeze for Golden Power, i special powers of the State in strategic sectors, and for cybersecurity in the Public Administration among the measures decided yesterday by the Council of Ministers in consideration of the extraordinary times we are experiencing.

Golden power: this is how it is strengthened to protect military enterprises

The Government has decided to strengthen the discipline of control of foreign investments in Italy through the exercise of special powers (Golden Power) in defense of Italian companies "in the light of the increased strategic nature of some sectors and the need to strengthen the administrative structures involved ”.

In particular, the strengthening of the Golden Power will concern the sectors of defense and security and the regulation of special powers relating to broadband electronic telecommunications networks with 5G and cloud technology will be revised.

The strengthening of the regulation on cybersecurity

The purpose of the Government measures in this field is – as stated in the official press release from Palazzo Chigi – “to prevent prejudice to the security of networks, Informative system and the information systems of public administrations” which will have to proceed promptly with the diversification of the products in use, also through negotiated procedures. The purchasing procedures will cover certain categories of sensitive products and services such as antivirus, antimalware, endpoint detection and response (EDR) and web application firewall (WAF) applications.
