
“The oracles of money”, a book by Alberto Orioli

Giuliano Amato, Tullio De Mauro and Salvatore Rossi present today, December 15, "The oracles of money - The art of speech in the language of central bankers", the new book by Alberto Orioli published by Il Mulino - The presentation will be held at the Teatro Eliseo of Rome at 18.00.

“The oracles of money”, a book by Alberto Orioli

Giuliano Amato, Tullio De Mauro and Salvatore Rossi present today, December 15, "The oracles of money - The art of speech in the language of central bankers", the new book by Alberto Orioli, deputy director of Il Sole 24 Ore, published by Il Mulino . The presentation will be held at the Eliseo Theater at 18.00. "Man's life is dominated by the word or by money." If Menander's aphorism has withstood the impact of more than twenty centuries of history and today's human comedy is still reflected in that splinter of thought, central bankers are the most powerful men and women in the world.

With the famous "whatever it takes" Mario Draghi enters history and that phrase, emblematic of the mysterious link that exists between money, trust and the word, is worth an "alea jacta est". From the words of the central bankers derive the behavior of the market and much of what the economy reverberates in our everyday life. If for years they have favored oracular, deliberately obscure and mystical communication, today, on the contrary, the governors are confronted with the new strategy of transparency and with press conferences. And their words are deeds. But the language of monetary sovereignty becomes contaminated with the language of political sovereignty and for central bankers there is the paradox that, while they are believed omnipotent, they become a scapegoat if the economy and expectations do not go in the direction of improvement, due to moreover, not attributable to what belongs to them.

Alberto Orioli is deputy director and columnist for «Sole 24 ore». In 2010 he published with the President Carlo Azeglio Ciampi «It is not the country I dreamed of» (Il Saggiatore) and in 2014 «Sons of father to whom? History of the movement that changed Confindustria» (pub. Il Sole 24 ore).
