
Giuseppe Conte, down from the tower for having closed the mission unit on hydrogeological instability

The closure of Italia Sicura for the prevention of environmental breakdowns decided by the Conte 1 government out of spite against the Renzi government that had established it is unforgivable

Giuseppe Conte, down from the tower for having closed the mission unit on hydrogeological instability

Who knows if faced with the devastating images of the flood in Romagna the former prime minister Giuseppe Conte feel some remorse. Her first government has combined all the colors and scams on citizenship income or on the Superbonus we remember them. But in these dramatic days, the unfortunate closure of your Government of the Mission Unit on the hydrogeological instability established since Renzi government with the collaboration of Renzo Piano and of Erasmo D'Angelis in the framework of Safe Italy. That Unit was based on the strategy of prevention and made the Bisagno, Seveso, Arno safe and perhaps would have prevented the flooding of many rivers in Romagna. But due to jealousies and personal pettiness Conte closed it. Lawyer, be ashamed: get off the tower.
