
Jubilee: impact on Rome's GDP of 11 billion in 5 years

According to a study conducted by Sapienza and released by the Chamber of Commerce of Rome, the Jubilee called by Pope Francis would lead to an increase in the capital's GDP of 2,4% and of the national one by 0,7% - 30 million are expected of pilgrims.

Jubilee: impact on Rome's GDP of 11 billion in 5 years

Eleven billion in five years. The increase in Rome's GDP due to the Jubilee wanted by Papa Francesco, which from next December 30 onwards could bring up to 25 million pilgrims to the capital, even more than the XNUMX million of the Gibuleum of the year XNUMX announced by Wojtila.

In terms of percentages, the increase in Rome's GDP due to the revenues linked to the Jubilee would be confirmed around 2,4%, the national one around 0,7%. On the employment front, the event is expected to bring in between 4.300 and 5.300 additional jobs.

The numbers are provided by a study by La Sapienza University, released by the Rome Chamber of Commerce and based on estimates of tourism growth in relation to the Jubilee, according to which there will be two factors that will lead to a massive influx of pilgrims: the great popularity of the pontiff to the South American countries, overall very populous, and the reduction in the prices of air travel.

According to the study, the peak of pilgrims should be recorded on February 16, when the body of Padre Pio will be exhibited in St. Peter's, and on September 4, when there will be a day dedicated to Mother Teresa of Calcutta. 
