
Jubilee 2025 in Rome: 82 works in 2 years, 4 billion in investments. Here is the plan for the Capital

These are essential and indifferent works to be completed within two years. Here are the projects for the Capital in view of the 2025 Jubilee

Jubilee 2025 in Rome: 82 works in 2 years, 4 billion in investments. Here is the plan for the Capital

Eighty-seven works for a total cost that is close to i 4 billion euros. The program of interventions for Rome in view of the Jubilee 2025. The plan is envisaged by the Dpcm signed on 15 December by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. “What we are presenting today will be followed by a second Dpcm” on essential works', “we will be working on them starting this afternoon. There is a lot to do but I'm quite confident”, said the undersecretary to the presidency of the Council, Alfredo Mantovano, on the occasion of the illustration to the press, together with the mayor of Rome and Extraordinary Commissioner for the 2025 Jubilee, Roberto Gualtieri. The provision approves and initiates the essential and indifferent works which allow the city to welcome pilgrims and tourists in view of the 2025 Jubilee of the Catholic Church. "I plan to convene, in agreement with the mayor Gualtieri - Mantovano also explained - the group that verifies the state of implementation of the works every 15 days, in order to have constant attention: the works need to be followed". they cannot be monitored every six months.

Jubilee 2025: 87 works in 2 years

They are 87 interventions to be carried out in the next two years. In detail, the following are expected: 32 redevelopment and enhancement projects, another 23 relating to accessibility and mobility, 8 dedicated to the welcome and participation chapter and 24 for the environment and territory.

“The objective of the plan is twofold: receive at best the tens of millions of pilgrims who will come to Rome and, at the same time, rmaking the city more accessible, sustainable and inclusive, in line with the message of hope, universal fraternity and trust that Pope Francis wanted to place at the center of the Jubilee", reads the presentation of the plan.

The planned investments include 62 interventions totally financed by jubilee funds, 10 which integrate pre-existing funds and 15 already financed, inserted to speed up the works thanks to the commissioner procedures. Subsequently, through another Dpcm, they will add another 48 works. 

Jubilee 2025: total investments of 4 billion

Overall, the interventions for the 2025 Jubilee will have a total value of nearly 4 billion. This is the figure indicated by the mayor of Roma Capitale and extraordinary commissioner for the Jubilee, Roberto Gualtieri: “We are presenting a Dpcm which contains the bulk of the interventions for the 2025 Jubilee, and we are talking about over 1 billion euros for 87 directly financed interventions. Then there are more 1,84 billion interventions which have other forms of financing, including the 500 million of the Caput Mundi project "financed through the Pnrr. Furthermore, the next Dpcm on which the Government is working will contain interventions for 300 million. There will still be "resources for complementary interventions with other forms of financing", explained Gualtieri. "I thank the Government - declared the mayor of Rome - for having worked promptly after taking office at the end of October: this timeliness has allowed us to present a program that we are in a position to implement, despite the political events that have kept us still for different months".

Jubilee 2025: will Rome make it? Here are all the scheduled events

The question everyone is asking is only one: will Rome be able to meet the tight schedule of works scheduled for the 2025 Jubilee? It is indeed a real one race against time: in less than 2 years all construction sites will have to be completed. 

“With the idea that the Jubilee could be an opportunity for the improvement of the city with a view to urban redevelopment, various types of works have been identified among the interventions included in the programme, to enhance the shared spaces of the city; the 32 interventions falling within the scope of "redevelopment and enhancement" were divided into the redevelopment of public spaces (17 interventions), of jubilee sites (9), and of the suburbs (6)”, explains the note.

For the redevelopment of public space, various interventions concerning the Vatican area, such as the construction of the Piazza Pia underpass, the redevelopment of the pedestrian paths via Ottaviano-San Pietro and San Pietro station; the redevelopment of the Gregorio VII pedestrian underpass, the restoration of the walls of Porta Angelica. In the same context, major maintenance works are planned for the main road network, including the sidewalks, the Lungotevere and the related bridges, the redevelopment of Piazza dei Cinquecento and the Termini station, the market in via Sannio near the basilica of San Giovanni, the enhancement of the central archaeological area, the upgrading of public lighting with video surveillance systems.

La redevelopment of jubilee sites instead it concerns the areas in front of the basilicas and the jubilee churches, such as the square of the basilica of San Giovanni, the San Pietro station and its square, the interventions on the churchyards of the suburban churches, the enhancement of the pilgrims' paths and other works. The redevelopment of the suburbs takes the form in particular of the maintenance interventions of the main road system entering Rome and the Metropolitan City, of the municipal road system (including sidewalks); in upgrading the lighting of the GRA junctions and in the recovery of the Industria bridge. Finally, in terms ofaccessibility and mobility 23 interventions on city mobility were envisaged, enhancing the infrastructures for public mobility (18 interventions), soft mobility (1 intervention) and private mobility (4 interventions). This also includes the plan stops Atac, the supply of the new underground trains on lines A and C, the completion of the renewal of the superstructure on line A, the supply of new hybrid and methane buses and maintenance work on the underground lines A and B. For soft and specifically sustainable, the Monte Ciocci-San Pietro cycle path connection has been planned.

as to private mobility the program includes, among other interventions, the car parks equipped for tourist buses, the rationalization of the A24-Tangenziale Est junction and the underground car park in Lungotevere Castello. 

Moving forward with the plan, 8 interventions will concern, acceptance and participation with the construction of a youth hostel in Santa Maria della Pietà, a center of excellence for people with disabilities, a reception center for homeless people, 11 water houses, the strengthening of the offer of public toilets. A further 24 interventions will be addressed to environment and territoriesor therefore: parks, the Tiber and historic villas. 

As for scope Caput Mundi, the program of interventions was already approved in June 2022 and is divided into 335 works which also concern the Metropolitan City and the Lazio Region, for a total investment value of 500 million euros divided into six investment lines.
