
World Book Day: Literature marathon in streaming

World Book Day: Literature marathon in streaming

The event will start at 11.00 on April 23rd and will propose critical comments by some authors on the great works of literature and the reading of some significant passages of the great classics by the actors who have joined the project. The complete program will be available from today at 17 pm on

The De Sanctis Foundation, in collaboration with the Center for books and reading, organizes its first literary marathon in streaming. Thanks to a platform created specifically for the occasion and the participation of great authors and actors, World Book Day will thus be celebrated in all homes through the platform, on the websites of the Ministry of Education, the Republic, Court of Auditors, TIM- Operation Risorgimento Digitale and ACI.
Opening greetings from the President of the Senate of the Republic Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati, the Minister of Education Lucia Azzolina and the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Marina Sereni. The Court of Auditors is the institutional partner of the initiative.
The Literary Marathon of the De Sanctis Foundation, conceived ten years ago with periodic appointments in institutional venues, will thus take place for the first time in streaming, reaching the exceptional duration of seven hours for an extraordinary event that will unite the community of readers: a different way to celebrate World Book Day together and the opening of the Il Maggio dei Libri campaign.

The running of the program will be curated by the writer Paolo Di Paolo and Andrea Velardi who, together with Pietro del Soldà, Franco Di Mare, Veronica Gentili, Francesca Fialdini, Vladimiro Polchi, Benedetta Rinaldi will introduce the guests of the marathon for a cultural relay which aims to reach not only the adult public, but also the younger generations and schools, who will also be able to use the event for educational purposes. To comment live on the Marathon it will be possible to use the hashtag #CapolavoriDellaLetteratura.

World Book and Copyright Day began under the aegis of UNESCO in 1996 to promote reading, book publishing and copyright protection. April 23 was chosen because it is the day on which three writers considered pillars of universal culture died in 1616: Miguel de Cervantes, William Shakespeare and Garcilaso de la Vega.

For over a decade, the De Sanctis Foundation has been promoting through initiatives dedicated to the dissemination of reading and the rediscovery of the classics, among which the exhibition "Journey among the masterpieces of Italian literature" in 2011 at the Quirinale stands out; several cycles of readings of Italian classics in institutional settings, in Italian cultural institutes, in the most important theaters, but also in prisons; many conferences featuring the most important names in Italian culture; up to the cycle of readings still in progress, dedicated to the masterpieces of literature, of which authoritative representatives of culture read and comment on the most significant passages.
In particular, TIM, as media partner of the event, will broadcast the initiative in live streaming on its YouTube channel and will relaunch the appointments on the Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin channels. Furthermore, through WeSchool – the e-learning platform owned by TIM – it will offer an environment dedicated to secondary school students and teachers.
