
Day of waste: discarded food products are worth a meal for 3 million poor people

Italians throw food leftovers worth 7,4 billion euros in the trash. An affront to the 8% of the population who risk food poverty. Rediscover the dishes of the day after

Day of waste: discarded food products are worth a meal for 3 million poor people

In the trash of the Italians almost finished 31 kilos per year per person of food productsntari, for a total value of almost 7,4 billion euros. And with this little bit of blessing it would be possible adequately set the table of the approximately 3,2 million poor that in Italy with the Covid emergency they are forced to ask for help for food with food parcels or free meals in the canteen or in their own homes. This is what emerges from the data of Waste Watcher International on the occasion of the National Day against food waste which is celebrated on February 5th. A fact that must make us reflect in a situation in which more than8% of the entire Italian population risks food poverty in the coming months, having tight budgets for which the inflationary flame is enough to put them in difficulty in guaranteeing meals always and in any case. Looking to the near future - observes a note from Coldiretti - in addition to people at risk of food poverty, there is a 17,4% of Italians who for fear of not making it will have to limit themselves to basic expenses only, between home and food. If, on the one hand, there is a recovery in waste, on the other, there is also an increase in ifood solidarity initiatives to give a second life to advanced foodor, from the solidarity mobilization of the food chain to suspended spending in the Campagna Amica markets, through which well over six million kilos of food and drink have been collected and distributed to the poorest since the beginning of the pandemic. To help Italians contain waste, the cooking of leftovers from peasant traditions in the various regions will be the protagonist in agritourisms and markets of Campagna Amica starting from the Campagna Amica market in via San Teodoro 74 at the Circus Maximus in Rome throughout Italy from 9,00 on Saturday 5 February. National Food Waste Prevention Day. The list of appointments is on the website The food left over after lunches and dinners represents a significant portion of food waste that can be combated with rediscovery of the dishes of the day after which enhance leftovers and help preserve and transmit the culinary traditions of the past to the new generations. During the day the peasant cooks of Terranostra will prepare live grandmother's recipes based on a tradition of anti-waste recovery capable of enhancing flavors and imagination in the name of savings and sustainability. For the appointment, the exclusive focus on "The new lives of bread" will be disseminated, symbolic food in the fight against waste which is a sacrilege to throw away and for this many recipes have been created to recover it. To celebrate the day, a dish made with stale bread will be included in the menu of the Terranostra farmhouses. On this occasion, the Coldiretti/Ixe' study will be disclosed on how Italian food waste has changed in families and in restaurants, as well as advice to contain domestic waste
