
Energy Saving Day: Acea switches off the lights and launches educational projects in schools

For International Energy Saving Day, Acea will switch off the lights of its offices for an hour and promote training activities on sustainability in schools

Energy Saving Day: Acea switches off the lights and launches educational projects in schools

On the occasion of International Energy Saving Day – which is celebrated every 18 February – initiatives by Italian utilities and associations are multiplying. For example, Acea will turn off the lights of all its group offices from Rome to Florence, from Lucca to Grosseto, from Arezzo to Pisa, from Perugia to Terni, from Frosinone up to Ercolano.

Again on the same day, the Roman multi-utility will involve second-cycle students from some primary and lower secondary schools in Lazio and Umbria in the Acea Scuola project “We are energy. Turn off the light and turn on your imagination”, dedicated precisely to these issues.

Acea Scuola, the educational project of the Roman group born in 2002 to promote information and training activities on sustainability, has the aim of raising young people's awareness through a multimedia educational program that talks about all the challenges posed by the energy question, from the use of renewables, to the need to reduce superfluous consumption in daily life. From 18 February to 4 March, by connecting to a dedicated platform, young people will be able to immerse themselves in this journey focused on energy-related issues
