
Giorgetti recognizes that "it would have been more convenient to have the ESM" but glosses over the damage to Italy's credibility

Giorgetti recognizes in the Chamber that "the ESM would have been useful to us" but glosses over the crucial point: after the rejection of the ESM wanted by Salvini and Meloni, Italy is no longer reliable on a European level and is more alone

Giorgetti recognizes that "it would have been more convenient to have the ESM" but glosses over the damage to Italy's credibility

You have to understand, poor man Giorgetti: for him the Month has now become a thorn in the side as was also seen in his hearing yesterday in the Chamber. If it had been up to him, as he candidly confessed a few days ago and partially admitted yesterday ("It would have been more convenient to have him"), the ESM would have approved it but the head of his party, Matteo Salvini, and Prime Minister Giorgia Melons they didn't want to know, rejecting the ratification of the Treaty and effectively distrusting the Minister of Economy. Yesterday Giorgetti did a half-reverse (“I never said that the ESM would be approved”) and literally scrambling to avoid completely breaking with the League and the prime minister. But on the crucial point the minister glossed over and did not say a word on the fact that the failure to ratify the ESM isolates Italy from the rest of the Eurozone by blocking the other 19 countries which instead approved the ESM some time ago and severely affects the international credibility of our country. There are no valid excuses for this: in one fell swoop Italy has become an unreliable country which risks paying dearly for its disrespect towards Europe and has self-defeatingly deprived itself of a shield in the event of financial and banking crises which no one can never be excluded a priori. Giorgetti knows this and is not the main culprit but he certainly doesn't make a good impression either. Down the tower.
