
Games, slot machines soon away from bars and tobacconists

The government and local authorities will seek an agreement immediately after the referendum to eliminate 113 slot machines from bars and tobacconists. New directives on the opening hours of the points where it will be possible to play slots. Undersecretary for the Economy Baretta: "It will be a real cut"

Postponed until after the referendum State Regions Conference which should give the definitive go-ahead to the agreement between the Government and Local Authorities relating to net reduction of slot machines in bars and tobacconists. But the point of arrival is clear.

Il undersecretary for the economy Baretta has been working for more than a year and a half to put order in the public gaming sector, on the one hand to honor the commitment made by the Premier in the previous months, on the other to reassure the gaming concessionaires, struggling with a jungle of rules.

There are three main points of the agreement under discussion: reduction of the game offer, "qualitative" level of the offer and opening hours of gaming points. 

With regard to the first point, today there are 398 slot machines on the market, and by 2017 the 30% cut in vending machines. Of the 133 slots that will be cut, around 114 will be eliminated from bars and tobacconists, while around 19 will be canceled from so-called "secondary generalist" shops, such as newsagents, restaurants or bathing establishments. 

The second point concerns the "qualitative" level of the offer. They will be created two different categories of game points: the first (class A) houses the certified rooms which, as such, will not have to comply with the rules decided by the Municipalities; the second, class B, will include those halls that will have to respect the constraints. 
To obtain a type A certification it will be necessary to meet some stringent requirements, such as the presence of video surveillance or compliance with the minimum limits on the volumes of space dedicated to gaming. 

The last element concerns the opening time. Minimums will be established: 10 hours for slots and 14-16 hours for betting.

Once the go-ahead has been obtained in the State-Regions Conference, i operational details will later be implemented with a ministerial decree. 
