
Games: without Lotto and bets, Italy in recession

According to the first report on public gaming in Italy, last year the sector contributed 1% to GDP

Games: without Lotto and bets, Italy in recession

What are they worth games for the Italian State? A lot: only in 2018 did the sector produce a added value of 14 billion euros, contributing 1% to GDP. As if to say that without lotto, bets and scratch cards we would be in a recession, given that – according to Istat – GDP grew by only 0,8% last year. This is what emerges from first report on public gaming in Italy, presented on the occasion of the Acadi Assembly, the Association of public gaming concessionaires adhering to Confcommercio.

For fiscal, the study points out again, the contribution of the sector has reached its peak 10 billion last year. Also, games employ overall a 78mila people (directly or indirectly) and produce two billion in induced consumption.

However, it is always the state that wins. According to the report, in the last 20 years Italians have spent an astronomical sum on games, 275 billion, of which 158 ended up in public coffers, while 117 represent the revenues of the entire sector.

The annual averages, therefore, amount to 13,7 billion for expenditure, 8 billion for public revenues and approximately 5,8 billion for remuneration for the sector.
