
Giochi Preziosi buys Famosa's Spanish toys

The two toy companies will produce aggregate revenues of over 700 million euros, with an Ebitda margin exceeding 100 million

Giochi Preziosi buys Famosa's Spanish toys

Italian toys conquer Spanish ones. One of the largest companies in the Italian market, Giochi Preziosi, he bought Famous, a group born in Alicante in 1957 and finished in 2010 under the control of Sun Partners Capital, an American private equity company.

The two companies – both active in the traditional toy market, which represent 90% of the Italian company's turnover – will produce “aggregate revenues of over 700 million euros, with an Ebitda margin exceeding 100 million”. Indeed, in 2018, Famous it achieved revenues of 167 million, with an Ebitda of 26 million (15,7% of turnover) and a net result of two million, all with over 700 employees. In the same year, Giochi Preziosi, which employs about 500 people, recorded net revenues of 403 million, an Ebitda of 57 million (14% of revenues) and profits after taxes of 29 million.

Famous check out brands like Pinypon, Nenuco, The Bellies, Nancy, Barriguitas and Feber, while Giochi Preziosi has in its portfolio successful brands in Italy such as Cicciobello and Gormiti, to which are added the recent acquisitions of Trudi and Sevi. Thanks to this alliance, the Milanese company aims to "maximize its distribution capacity on a European scale of third-party products".

In addition to Italy, Giochi Preziosi is already active in France, the United Kingdom, Greece and Turkey, with its own subsidiaries that ensure direct distribution in 14 countries. The rest of the world is served through local distributors. The acquisition of Famosa allows the company to enter with a prominent position also in Spain, Portugal and Mexico.

“We are thrilled to welcome Famosa to our group – he commented Henry Precious, founder and President of Giochi Preziosi – and to consolidate the excellent market results and to benefit from the launch of new products which have proved to be bestsellers in Spain in recent years”. 
