
Sunday mental gymnastics, tomorrow the third exercise of the column created by Professor Iannoccari for a "Winning Brain"

Every Sunday on FIRSTonline a different mental ability is stimulated thanks to the collaboration with the president of Assomensana, Professor Iannoccari. Tomorrow the third episode with a new exercise

Sunday mental gymnastics, tomorrow the third exercise of the column created by Professor Iannoccari for a "Winning Brain"

Mental gymnastics: tomorrow, Sunday 10 March on FIRST online the third episode of the new column "The winning brain" arrives. The initiative is the result of collaboration with the professor Giuseppe Alfredo Iannoccari, neuropsychologist, professor at the State University of Milan and president of Assomensana, the association for the development and enhancement of mental activities. Maintain the mental activities ready and efficient, in fact, it is a good way to face the man's greatest competitor of the new times, namely theartificial intelligence.

Every Sunday, therefore, FIRST online proposes a mental gymnastic exercise that stimulatesdifferent skill. Tomorrow the third episode and also in this case will be indicated:

  1. which cognitive functions it stimulates
  2. what purpose does it serve in everyday life
  3. delivery to carry out the exercise
  4. how long should the execution time be?
  5. how to calculate the score
  6. the finish line for an optimal score
  7. how to make it more empowering
  8. which variations to adopt to continue doing so.

La before purchasing, , second episode – dedicated to the stimulation of language, ability to organize information, flexibility and mental skills – saw numerous participants and a high level of satisfaction.
