
Japan, the strange business of volcanic ash

The inhabitants of the city of Tarumizu in Kagoshima prefecture are still in shock from the eruption of the volcano Sakurajima – However, some have tried to take advantage of the monumental eruption by bottling the volcanic ash and selling it for 100 yen a jar under the brand name “Hai! Douzo!!”.

Japan, the strange business of volcanic ash

The inhabitants of the city of Tarumizu in Kagoshima prefecture are still in shock from the eruption of the volcano Sakurajima which caused heavy rains of ash last Sunday. However, some have tried to take advantage of the monumental eruption by bottling the volcanic ash and selling it for 100 yen a jar under the brand name “Hai! Douzo!!”.

The name is a play on words between the word "hai" which can mean both "hello" and "ashes". In this way the name can be translated as either "Here you go" or "Ashes, please". The jars also contain a label that gives information such as: "100 cubic centimeters of unsolicited blessing from heaven" and the ingredients "ashes fallen from Sakurajima volcano: an inconvenience for Tarumizu citizens." The initiative, which is inspired by a similar action conceived by the local tourism board in 2010, also serves to give work to the disabled in the city.

The jars could also be a commercial success in 2014 which marks the XNUMXth anniversary of a massive eruption of Sakurajima. In preparation for the event the people behind “Hai! Douzo!!” are preparing a limited edition of jars of “Hai! Douzo!! Premium” with special labeling commemorating the 1914 event.
