
Yellow on alarm from Italy, France and Spain for the antispread shield: Palazzo Chigi denies it

Yellow on the alarm note from Italy, France and Spain for the immediate application of the decisions approved at the last European Council at the end of June: anti-spread shield, departure of the state-saving fund and banking supervision at the ECB - Palazzo Chigi denies the advertised initiative from Madrid

Yellow on alarm from Italy, France and Spain for the antispread shield: Palazzo Chigi denies it

It is yellow on the joint note attributed to Italy, Spain and France to demand the immediate application of the anti-spread shield and advertised on the website of the Foreign Ministry in Madrid. The note speaks of a request from the three countries for the rapid implementation of the agreements reached at the EU Council at the end of June with particular reference to the anti-spread shield, banking supervision by the ECB and the take-off of the bailout fund. Palazzo Chigi said he was amazed at the Spanish move which Paris had previously denied as well.
