In Germany the "traffic light" coalition is making more and more headway, which would therefore sensationally leave out the CDU, the party of Angela Merkel, which in the last elections fell to an all-time low but which nevertheless remains, firmly, the second largest party (in the coalition with the CSU) of the country. The orientation was already in the air, given that immediately after the vote Olaf Scholz of the SPD, winner of the session, he proclaimed himself the new Chancellor and heir to Frau Angela, suggesting that yet another agreement with the Cdu for a Grosse Koalition on the model of previous legislatures was not so obvious. The Social Democrat leader reiterated this in recent interviews: the idea is to build a three-way majority with the Greens, the third party with almost 15%, and the Liberals, who have risen to 12% overtaking the right-wing extremists of the AfD and significantly detaching the "left left" of Die Linke, which has fallen to the limit of the barrier, around 5%.
Hence, the coalition will be called a traffic light by virtue of the colors of the three parties: red for the SPD, obviously green for the Grunens, and yellow for the Liberals, moderates from the center who espouse some positions of potential allies but who on the other hand are hawks in economic policy and by reclaiming the Ministry of Finance they would jeopardize the revision of the European Stability Pact, convinced of the need to return to austerity. Scholz however wants to try and also received the approval of outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel, who took note of the collapse of her party, now led by Armin Laschet: the CDU-CSU collected only 24%, almost 10 percentage points less than five years ago, when it was the very first party with over 30%. Now, however, the center-right formation could remain out of the next government, the first post-Merkel but also the first post-Covid and European reconstruction.