
Geox, third change at the top in one year: new CEO

Third changing of the guard at the helm of Geox: the new CEO Matteo Mascazzini arrives at Gucci from February XNUMXst – Profits recovering but much lower than those of ten years ago

Geox, third change at the top in one year: new CEO

The torments of the Venetian fashion industry never seem to end. In the wake of Luxottica, which seems to know no peace, Geox is also going from turn to turn and changes CEO for the third time in a year. From February XNUMX, the new CEO will arrive at the head of Moretti Polegato's company, who will be Matteo Mascazzini who will leave the leadership of Gucci USA to move to Montebelluna.

Before Mascazzini, first Giorgio Presca took turns in the uncomfortable chair of CEO of Geox, who contributed to the relaunch of the group and who then moved on to lead Golden Goose, and then Gregorio Borgo, the current CEO of Geox who decided to leave for "personal reasons" despite the good results achieved.

Now Moretti Polegato relies on Mascazzini in the hope that his knowledge of the extremely important American market will help him restore Geox to its former glory, when the Montebelluna-based company's profits were stratospheric compared to today's, which are infinitely lower (16 million in 2017 against 118 in 2008) even if on the upswing.
