
Gentiloni: Ius soli postponed to autumn

According to the Premier, "the conditions for approval before the summer break are lacking" - On the right, there is a race to claim "the merit" of the postponement

Gentiloni: Ius soli postponed to autumn

The green light to the ius soli law is postponed until the autumn. This was announced in a note by the Prime Minister, Paolo Gentiloni: "Taking into account the deadlines that cannot be postponed in the Senate calendar and the difficulties that have emerged in some sectors of the majority - we read - I do not believe there are the conditions to approve the bill on citizenship to foreign minors born in Italy before the summer break. Nonetheless, it is a fair law. My personal commitment and that of the government to approve it in the autumn remains”.

For the deputy secretary of the Pd and minister Maurizio Martina, “on the ius alone the Pd will follow the indication proposed by the evaluations of the president Gentiloni. As always said, we are at his side. The law for the new citizenship remains an important objective for us”.

“For us, ius alone is and remains a priority. Any retreat or postponement is a mistake. Especially at this moment - said Roberto Speranza, coordinator of Mdp, commenting on the words of Prime Minister Gentiloni - No cultural yielding to the propaganda of the right ".

On the right, on the other hand, there are competitions to name the merit of the postponement. According to the foreign minister and leader of the PA, Angelino Alfano, “the prime minister has handled the ius alone affair with realism, common sense and respect for those who support his government. We really appreciate. At the same time, we reiterate that we have already said yes to this provision in the Chamber and we will do the same in the Senate where a more serene discussion will allow us to improve the text, without the debate getting mixed up in the tiring emergency management of these days".

Different tones of the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini, who if Facebook writes:

The postponement of the Ius Soli "is a victory of the bullies over the little ones who have no voice, a victory of indecision, a victory of the inability to solve problems", said Monsignor Giancarlo Perego, director of Migrantes (CEI) to Ansa. and archbishop of Ferrara-Comacchio. The right in question "is not a prize but a fundamental tool for integration".

“If we have waited so long we can wait a couple of months. But I reiterate that I would really like a policy that is closer to reality", Paolo Rozzera, director general of Unicef ​​Italia, added to the microphones of Ansa, underlining that the text of the law is "well done and balanced and approving a well done balanced law is a way to be adherent to the reality in which we live”.
