
Gentiloni EU commissioner: the government has chosen the former premier

The candidacy of the dem president has already been communicated by Conte to Von der Leyen informally and officially approved by the Council of Ministers which met after the government was sworn in at the Quirinale – The delegation will be one of the most important

Gentiloni EU commissioner: the government has chosen the former premier

Italy chooses Paolo Gentiloni as a candidate for the new one European Commission which will take effect on November XNUMXst. The former Prime Minister and current president of the Democratic Party should obtain one of the most important powers, such as the one at Trade or even to Economic affairs of the Union.

Gentiloni's choice was announced on Wednesday evening by the premier Giuseppe Conte to the future number one of the community executive, Ursula Von der Leyen. It was an informal communication, via telephone. The official announcement came from the Council of Ministers which met immediately after the Conte 2 government was sworn in at the Quirinal and will now be sent formally, in writing, to Brussels.

With the candidacy of Gentiloni – who has always been a staunch supporter of the community project – Italy smooths out the contrasts that have marked the relations between Brussels and the Conte 1 government with a yellow-green majority. Our country is therefore repositioning itself in the fold of Europeanism, abandoning the Eurosceptic tones of the last year and a half, as well as any wishful thinking of economic or monetary sovereignty. A change that will predictably improve Italy's relations with France and Germany as well.

As for his position on the global geopolitical chessboard, Gentiloni was also foreign minister in the past and will certainly work to strengthen our country's Atlantic position, clearing the field of the ambiguous relations entertained by the League with Putin's Russia. After all, it is probable that Donald Trump's endorsement via Twitter to Giuseppe Conte should be read in this key, which arrived just when the metamorphosis of the majority was underway, with the move from the Northern League to the Democratic Party.

On the internal side, however, it must be remembered that Gentiloni is back from a long-distance clash - but no less bitter for this - with Matteo Renzi, who accused him of having tried to blow up the agreement with the M5S by placing diktats in the press . Renzi said these words at his political training school in Barga, in the province of Lucca, in front of 200 under 30s. The recorded audio had gone around the web.
