
Gentiloni at 17,30 at the Quirinale with the list. Alfano towards Esteri, Padoan remains

The chairman in charge concluded the consultations. "I tried to reconcile urgency and listening, respect for all parliamentary groups". Final touches to the names, filings to the last. Unknown Fassino. Possible to be sworn in by tonight.

Gentiloni at 17,30 at the Quirinale with the list. Alfano towards Esteri, Padoan remains

“Gentiloni: I go up to the Quirinale at 17,30pm”, with these words the Prime Minister in charge announced the closure of the consultations during which he dialogued with the representatives of the various parties present in Parliament.

The last delegation to be received by the new Premier was that of the Pd, which during the course of the party leadership held today unanimously voted for a document supporting the Executive, despite the fact that President Orfini has already clarified that: "It is inconceivable that come to the end of the term".

"I have concluded the consultations – explained Gentiloni in announcing the closure of the consultations – I have tried to reconcile the needs of very tight deadlines with the need to listen to all the parliamentary forces, their opinions, their proposals and I thank them all. I respect those who will give their support to the government and those who have decided to remain in opposition. From all these meetings I received useful elements for my work”.

"Tight times" which also derive from the will of the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, who has repeatedly reiterated the need to present himself at the European Council on Thursday with a Government in full exercise of its functions to give a signal of stability and compactness to the 'Europe and the markets. The oath of ministers is expected tonight. Between Tuesday and Wednesday, based on the envisaged process, trust first in the House and then in the Senate.

At Colle Gentiloni he will arrive with the list of ministers who will support him in his Executive and to which, according to press rumors, the appointed Premier is putting the finishing touches. According to forecasts, Pier Carlo Padoan's seat at the Economy should be armored. Also confirmed Beatrice Lorenzin in Health, Carlo Calenda in Economic Development, Graziano Delrio in Infrastructure, Roberta Pinotti in Defense, Dario Franceschini in Mibact and Maurizio Martina in Agriculture. Angelino Alfano could instead move from the Interior Ministry to the Farnesina, while Marco Minniti, current undersecretary of the delegated authority for the secret services, could go as head of the Ministry of the Interior. Fixings and fixes are in progress and last-minute changes are always possible.

The new government team will have to address issues of primary importance for the country. Not only the electoral law, a fundamental step to allow Italians to return to the polls and on which the Constitutional Court judgment scheduled for January 24 is pending, but also the banks dossier within which the MPS chapter stands out. The attention of the new government will also have to go to the manoeuvre, still awaiting the judgment of the European Commission (which has decided to stall in view of the referendum), without forgetting the measures necessary to support the citizens of the Regions affected by the earthquake and the reconstruction. A calendar full of appointments for the Gentiloni government which, as early as Wednesday evening, after the vote of confidence in Parliament, could have full power to intervene.
