
Genoa, Erg donates one million for Valpolcevera

The energy company, which is presenting its new industrial plan to the press today in Genoa, has decided to donate 1 million euros to the Municipality to "contribute to redevelopment and sustainable development projects in Valpolcevera injured by the collapse of the Morandi bridge".

Genoa, Erg donates one million for Valpolcevera

Erg renews its strong bond with the city of Genoa and above all with the Valpolcevera, where the first refineries of the Garrone family company once stood. Valpolcevera, as is known, is the area of ​​Genoa affected by the Morandi Bridge disaster on 14 August, for which Erg has decided to donate one million euros to the Municipality to "contribute to redevelopment and sustainable development projects in the Valpolcevera injured by the collapse of the Morandi bridge". The announcement took place in Palazzo Ducale on the occasion of the celebrations for the 80th anniversary of the foundation of the energy company, for a long time active in oil refining, then in the distribution of fuels and finally, in the last decade, in the definitive abandonment of energy fossil to concentrate the entire business on energy from renewable sources, in particular wind power.

"It is a commitment that Erg is making today towards the city while awaiting the definitive projects that will be chosen", said the president of Erg Edoardo Garrone. “The Erg group has no plans to move its headquarters from Genoa, the drama of the Morandi bridge is certainly not a reason that could make us change our minds, the most important thing is to see how the country will go in the coming years. Often companies change headquarters not from one city to another, but from one country to another: if the prospects are not one of stability, from this point of view we will be attentive observers”, added Garrone. On Saturday Erg will present the new business plan to the press, which will mark the decisive change of pace towards clean energy and new technologies.
