
Generali, Trabattoni president of Generali Investments Luxembourg

Carlo Trabattoni appointed president of Generali Real Estate Spa Sgr and president of the board of directors of Generali Investments Luxembourg Sa.

Generali, Trabattoni president of Generali Investments Luxembourg

Following what was communicated on 18 April regarding the new organizational structure of the group, Generali informs that Carlo Trabattoni was appointed president of Generali Real Estate Spa Sgr (Gre Sgr), the group company dedicated to the management of real estate investment funds. Aldo Mazzocco, CEO of Generali Real Estate Spa also takes on the role of vice president of Gre Sgr.

Carlo Trabattoni will also assume the role of president of the board of directors of Generali Investments Luxembourg Sa, the product factory of Generali Investments Holding Spa and, finally, maintains the position of member of the board of directors of Plenisfer Investments Spa Sgr.
