
Generali pushes green investments: 9,5 billion by 2025

Leo has updated the climate protection strategy – Carbon neutrality of the investment portfolio by 2050

Generali pushes green investments: 9,5 billion by 2025

new green investments and sustainable for a value of between 8,5 and 9,5 billion euros in the period 2021-2025. This is the main novelty announced by Generali, which updated the climate protection strategy compared to that of February 2018.

The Lion also announced "a roadmap for the complete exit from the thermal coal sector relating to investment and underwriting activities, with reference to OECD countries and the rest of the world" and a "progressive decarbonisation of the direct investment portfolio with the aim to make it climate-neutral by 2050”.

“Today the Generali group announces new ambitious goals for its climate strategy, in line with its commitment and beliefs on the subject and on the strength of the results already achieved – explains the CEO, Philippe Donnet – In particular, the six billion new green and sustainable investments made in the last three years have allowed us to exceed the pre-established objectives in advance. We believe that the private sector can play a central role in financially supporting the 'Just Transition' for a future with net zero greenhouse gas emissions, supporting public institutions to address the required interventions”.

The new targets, reports a note from Generali, include “the ambition to become climate negative in 2040 with the intermediate goal of climate neutrality by 2023; the reduction by 2025, in line with what is required by the scientific community, of greenhouse gas emissions relating to offices, data centers and the fleet of company vehicles equal to at least 25% compared to the base year 2019; and the purchase of 100% of electricity from renewable sources, where available, and a further commitment to improve energy efficiency”.
