
Generali subscribes the capital increase of Trieste Convention Center

Generali is the first shareholder of Trieste Convention Center with 40% of the capital

Generali subscribes the capital increase of Trieste Convention Center

Generali, the major shareholder of Trieste Convention Center (TCC) with 39,98% of the capital, has approved thecapital increase of the management company of the new structure built in the Old Port of Trieste, announcing its intention to sign the operation. The increase will be proposed to the shareholders' meeting of Tcc convened for next November 9th.

The 500 thousand capital increase had already been approved and resolved in June 2021. The Board now proposes to double the amount, bringing it to one million euro, in order to adequately support the development of the congress activity. In addition to Generali, the shareholders of Trieste Convention Center include Illycaffè (12%), Trieste Valley (11%) and 60 other shareholders representing the Trieste and regional economic community, including Acegas and Swg. 

“This decision represents a further sign of theGenerali's commitment to the city of Trieste, in an area intended for the recovery and enhancement of the Old Port. The commitment, in addition to the support in the capital and in the activity of the Center, has also materialized with the name – Auditorium Generali – of the main 1750-seat congress hall”, reads the note from Generali.
