
Generali, “Ora di futuro”: educating children about the environment and savings

The initiative is promoted by Generali Italia through The Human Safety Net programme, which involves teachers, families, primary schools and non-profit networks throughout Italy – The objective of the first year is to educate over 30.000 children, with the participation of at least 1.500 classes and the activation of 11 centers for “Ora di Futuro” – Aid is also provided for disadvantaged families in 9 Italian cities – VIDEO.

Generali, “Ora di futuro”: educating children about the environment and savings

Educating today's children means guaranteeing a better future for tomorrow's adults. This is the slogan of the project "Future Time", promoted by Generali Italia through The Human Safety Net program, which involves teachers, families, primary schools and non-profit networks throughout Italy. The objective of the first year is to educate over 30.000 children, with the participation of at least 1.500 classes and the activation of 11 centers for "Ora di Futuro", thanks also to the direct involvement of the same employees of Generali Country Italia (therefore of the companies Generali Italia, Alleanza, Genertel, Generali Welion, Generali Jeniot, Genagricola, DAS), who will dedicate 10.000 hours of corporate volunteering and 10.000 solidarity trips.

The project is divided into two main activities: an innovative educational path, based on games, for children in the third, fourth and fifth grade classes; and initiatives for families in difficulty, with children aged 0 to 6, focused onparenting education thanks to the collaboration with the three non-profit organizations L'Albero della Vita, Mission Bambini, Centro per la Salute del Bambino. For the latter activity, 11 “Ora di Futuro” centers have been active since November in 9 Italian cities, from North to South: Milan, Turin, Trieste, Genoa, Bologna, Rome, Naples and Palermo.

As for the special course (which will be called "now of the future" and will be held for one hour a week, with the participation of parents as well), children will be offered play, experience and cooperation activities that will make them on four central themes of one's future as adults, identified in Generali Italia in environment, health, well-being and savings. It will be a question of explaining what is right, what is wrong, what instead deserves reflection and can be the subject of debate, with the teacher who will have a new role: no longer just the guardian of knowledge, but also and above all a mediator.

“Educating today's children – he commented Marco Sesana Country Manager Italy & Global Business Lines Generali and CEO of Generali Italy – means guaranteeing a better future for tomorrow's adults. With this project we want to give children the tools to face the world, but also the hope to have an impact on it. A company that wants to be relevant must know how to make its contribution to the development of the communities in which it operates. As we often say, in addition to being an insurance company, we want to become people's life partners".

“Ora di futuro” is part of the broader project The Human Safety Net, the Generali Group's global initiative in favor of communities, already active in 18 countries where the insurance group operates. “It is divided into three main actions – explained the coordinator Simone Bemporad -: support for disadvantaged families with children between 0 and 6 years of age, ie in the decisive age for growth, which “Ora di futuro” also deals with; help to refugees who have already had the right to asylum, to insert them into the world of work; the fight against a serious pathology that afflicts 900.000 newborns worldwide, prenatal asphyxia”.
