
Generali Italia rewards three students for the best ideas on customer experience

For the winners of the Call4Ideas, linked to the 2017 Simplify Hackathon, the doors of the Generali Italia Home Insurance laboratory will open for a day of training

Generali Italia rewards three students for the best ideas on customer experience

In recent days, in the evocative setting of the new Microsoft headquarters in Milan, the award ceremony was held for the winning students of the "call4ideas" launched by Generali Italia, on the occasion of the 2017 Hackathon "Let's simplify - Passionate about Simplicity", aimed at 15 thousand students/new graduates (18-25 years) from all Italian universities, to collect innovative ideas on the insurance of the future.

University students were invited to identify new tools, methods and innovative services to make an excellent customer experience and improve the interaction, engagement and dialogue between customer and agent, challenging each other on 4 themes: the role of the agent in 'age of engagement; not just insurance coverage, but interpreting changes in customers' lifestyles and purchasing behaviour; transform the spaces of the Agency into a place of relationship; and finally, on the subject of dematerialisation, a touch of class to make the customer experience unique.

These are the winners of the contest:

1st place Marco Penzo, student of Modern Philology at the University of Padua – awarded by David Cis, Chief Operating Officer of Generali Italia.
2nd place Rosanna Bellomo: student of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Bari – awarded by Fabio Oggioni, Head of IT architecture, innovation and claims at Generali Italia

3rd place Jacopo Baldini: graduated in Computer Science at the University of Pisa – awarded by Ivano Bosisio, Head of Operational Excellence and Head of Procurement of Generali Italia.

“Innovation is one of the pillars of Generali's strategy. And two years ago we started a path marked by the introduction of new methods and tools that allow Generali to be unique, distinctive, and to offer its customers and agents an excellent service”, commented Ivano Bosisio, Head of Operational Excellence and Head of Procurement of Generali Italia.

“With this in mind – echoed Fabio Oggioni, Head of IT architecture, innovation and claims at Generali Italia – we have moved on two fronts: on the one hand, thanks to a team of senior managers (called the Innovation Leadership Team), we have launched a process of creating prototypes on innovative topics; on the other hand, we are working to promote, cultivate and spread the culture of innovation. This is through initiatives such as Call4Ideas and Hackathon, and through the preparation of spaces dedicated to innovation”.

The three winning proposals were selected by an ad hoc jury made up of the participants of the Hackathon and the members of the Innovation Leadership Team of Generali Italia. In addition to a cash prize, the doors of Generali Italia's Home Insurance laboratory will open for the winners: the winners were, in fact, invited for a training day in the Company's "Work Rooms" to closely observe how it operates and how to innovate in Generali Italia.
