
Generali Italia launches a new Pir

It is called GeneraCrescITA and is made up of 85% of the investment line chosen by the customer between two options, consisting of a different mix of funds, and the remaining 15% of the more traditional insurance component represented by Gesav, the separate management of Generals Italy

Generali Italia launches a new Pir

Generali Italy launches GeneraGrescITA, a new individual savings plan (Pir). “In a market context of low interest rates and negative yields – reads a note from the Company – the new investment insurance solution was created with the aim of providing effective responses to the need for yield and savings reliability while promoting the growth of the national economy through investments in some of the most dynamic and virtuous Italian businesses”, with a view also to the SME sector.

"We wanted to seize the opportunity of a new form of insurance investment that combines the savings interests of Italians with those of relaunching the economy of our country - he comments Marco Sesana, country manager and managing director of Generali Italia – Thanks to the active management of the investment in the most interesting entrepreneurial realities in the country, we will be able to seize the development opportunities of our market. Strengthened by the expertise of Generali Investments and the consultancy skills of our Agents, we are convinced that GeneraCrescITA can have a positive impact for individuals and families, as well as for companies and small and medium-sized enterprises, responding to their needs ”.

The new Pir selects stocks and bonds of Italian companies that have stood out for their entrepreneurial ability and ability to generate value over time. GeneraCrescITA divides its financial engine into two components:

1) THE85% consists of the investment line chosen by the customer between two options, made up of a different mix of funds:
– InItalia line, more oriented towards gradual capital appreciation thanks to a more measured investment style between bonds and shares;
– InItalia Plus line, more oriented towards seizing the growth of the stock market.

2) the rest 15% it consists of the more traditional insurance component represented by Gesav, the separate management of Generali Italia which has assets of over 38 billion euro and is characterized by greater stability of returns.

Management is entrusted to Generali Investments, a leading asset management company in Italy with over 455 billion euros of assets under management.

Furthermore, an ad hoc version of GeneraCrescITA will be reserved for customers already registered in the community More General, a program that offers some benefits including a series of advantages on personal, home, car, savings and investment insurance solutions, and the opportunity to enjoy special discounts thanks to a network of leading partners in activities related to mobility, family and free time.
