
Generali Insurance Asset Management, Martorana new CEO

Santo Borsellino was instead appointed Chairman of the savings management company of the Trieste group.

Generali Insurance Asset Management, Martorana new CEO

Francis Martorana is the new Chief Executive Officer of Generali Insurance Asset Management SpA Savings management company (GIAM), with effect from 1 April 2019. Martorana also maintains, ad interim, his current role of Head of Investments in GIAM, which he has held since October 2017 Martorana joined the Generali Group in November 2013 as Head of Group Asset Liability Management & Strategic Asset Allocation (ALM/SAA) for general account assets. Before Generali, Martorana held various management roles in the Allianz Groupboth in Italy and in Germany. You have obtained the CFA and CAIA certifications, and a degree in Finance from the Luigi Bocconi University in Milan.

Santo Borsellino, who held the role of Chief Executive Officer of Generali Insurance Asset Management SpA Savings management company (the new name of the previous Generali Investments Europe SpA Savings management company) since June 2013, assumes the Presidency of the Board of Directors of GIAM. In addition, he is appointed Head of Investments & Asset Management Corporate Governance Implementation & Institutional Relations, with responsibility for managing relations with institutions, associations and regulatory bodies, and for ensuring the effective implementation of the business unit's governance structure Generali Investments, Asset & Wealth Management.
