
Generali: Giulia Raffo head of relations with investors and rating agencies

Raffo will be the new head of Investor & Rating Agency Relations at Generali and will report directly to the general manager, Frederic de Courtois

Generali: Giulia Raffo head of relations with investors and rating agencies

From 1 May, Giulia Raffo will be the new head of the Generali agency which deals with relations with investors and rating agencies. The Leone group announces it through a note published in the morning.

Raffo will report directly to the general manager, Frederic de Courtois and will be responsible for "maximizing the effectiveness of the group's interaction with the financial markets and ensuring a coherent and transparent dialogue with investors, analysts and rating agencies".

“Raffo joins the group – explains Generali – after gaining significant experience in senior management roles within the financial sector”.

Meanwhile, in Piazza Affari, the Generali share gains 0,2 percent to 17,23 euros, replicating the performance of the Ftse Mib which, after the positive data on Italian GDP announced by Istat, gains 0,24% at 21.841 points.
