
Generali, Galateri towards confirmation as president

The lists for the renewal of the board of directors to be submitted to the next meeting must be filed by April XNUMX but, after the appointment of Philippe Donnet as new CEO of the group, Gabriele Galateri di Genola seems destined to be reappointed as president

After the ascent of Philippe Donnet to the helm of Generali as the new CEO in place of Mario Greco, who moved to Zurich, the likelihood is rising that Gabriele Galateri di Genola will remain in the presidency of the Lion of Trieste.

The lists for the renewal of the Generali board in view of the next meeting will have to be filed by April XNUMXst but the game of balancing between the shareholders after the appointment of a top manager of the Vivendi team at the head of the group causes Galateri's shares to rise, former president of Mediobanca, for reconfirmation.
