
Generali and European Entrepreneurs for more sustainable, competitive and innovative SMEs

The aim is to achieve the objectives of the Green Deal while strengthening the innovation capacity of SMEs

Generali and European Entrepreneurs for more sustainable, competitive and innovative SMEs

Generali and the Belgian association European Entrepreneurs Cea-Pme have signed a partnership agreement to accompany the European SMEs in the transaction path to the sustainability. This can be read in a note which indicates that the agreement is being implemented through the respective platforms 'Sme EnterPrize' and 'GreenerSme'. The aim of the initiative is "to pool one's skills to promote and accompany the development of sustainable and innovative small and medium-sized enterprises within the EU single market and achieve the objectives of the Green Deal" while strengthening "the capacity of innovation".

The Lion of Trieste and the Belgian association also intend to “strengthen the ability to innovation of SMEs, which represent the foundation of the European economy and its main engine for sustainable and long-term growth”.

GreenerSME initiatives e EMS Enter PRICE they will offer a platform to SMEs engaged in the fields of sustainability and innovation and will facilitate the exchange of good practices in these fields. 
