
Generali, assembly in Turin: first time away from Trieste

Due to the coronavirus emergency, the shareholders' meeting of the Trieste company has been confirmed for April 27, but will be held in Turin and behind closed doors.

Generali, assembly in Turin: first time away from Trieste

The coronavirus also breaks historical traditions. The Generali insurance company, which has always been linked to the city of Trieste, for the first time in its long history will have to give up hosting the annual shareholders' meeting in the Julian city and, forced by the restrictive measures, will move to Turin. However, Leo made the choice not to postpone the assembly, which it will be held as scheduled on April 27th: the meeting will therefore be held in the Piedmontese capital and strictly behind closed doors, in the sense that the participation of those entitled to vote in the meeting will take place exclusively through the designated representative, without physical participation by all shareholders and without journalists.

The decision was taken to minimize the risks and at the same time making use of a faculty expressly provided for by the latest decree of the President of the Council of Ministers. The meeting will then take place at the offices of Generali Italia located in Turin, via Giuseppe Mazzini, 53, on 27 April starting at 9 am, in ordinary and extraordinary session on first call, and if necessary on 29 April 2020, at 9 am in extraordinary session on second call, and if necessary on 30 April 2020, at 11.00 in the ordinary session on second call and in the extraordinary session on third call. It stays instead the registration date remained unchanged at 16 April (record date) to determine the legitimacy to exercise social rights in the shareholders' meeting.
