
Geithner and Schaeuble applaud Italy's efforts

US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said they were satisfied with the progress made by Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Italy.

Geithner and Schaeuble applaud Italy's efforts

US Treasury Minister Timothy Geithner and German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble say they are optimistic about the efforts made by some countries in the euro area, including Italy, on the road to reforms and progress towards integration in the area.

This is what can be read in a joint statement released at the end of today's meeting between the two ministers. The note expresses appreciation for the progress made by Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Italy.

"The United States and Germany will continue to cooperate closely with their partners in the fall as they advance the political agenda to strengthen and stabilize the global and European economies," the statement said.

The note does not add details but underlines "the importance for European politicians to adopt and finalize all the reform initiatives capable of combating the financial and confidence crisis" which has hit the debt of the euro area.
