
Public tenders: tightening on minimum environmental criteria

The minimum environmental criteria envisaged by the Public Contracts Code will be subjected to greater controls - There is an agreement between the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Anac which mainly concerns Pnrr projects

Public tenders: tightening on minimum environmental criteria

I minimum environmental criteria in public tenders they will have to ensure the good use of resources with respect to the objectives of the green transition for local authorities. For the government, the quality of sustainable spending and the construction times of the works will meet only if the contracting authorities apply the rules for environmental protection. Therefore, for a few days the controls of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Anti-Corruption Authority have increased on public tenders.

The minister Roberto Cingolani and the President of theanac, Giuseppe Busia, have signed an agreement that relaunches the monitoring of environmental obligations established by the Public Procurement Code. The agreement has a three-year term and will support the contracting authorities, of which there are still many throughout the country. “Through public procurement and the types of contracts adopted, it is possible determining environmental changes of the country – explained Busia – It is necessary to include ecological and sustainability criteria in the tenders which lead to a change in the quality of life of citizens”. In the coming months it will be important to have shared guidelines for tenders and specifications, necessary to implement the rules on environmental sustainability. Surveillance on frauds, scams and false certifications also remains high.

For Cingolani, the agreement “guarantees transparency and respect for the rules for the projects of the Rebirth and Resilience Plan". These are useful premises to guarantee the serious execution of public works while respecting the deadlines imposed by the EU. It must not escape that "the PNRR - continues the minister - will have an enormous impact on the functioning of our country" and effects on territories.

The investments to be made include innovative design features, consistent with all the inspiration of the ecological transition. On the other hand, supplies downstream of the projects will also have to ensure the urban regeneration of vast areas of Italy. They must have quality marks and certifications that protect the contracting entities from tricks and scams. The corollary of the agreement, recalled on the occasion of the signing, is that "good administration is the premise for a legal society". Anac is already a guarantee of good spending and is equipped for cross-checking and preventive digital control of all public tenders. Environmental ones are destined to make a difference for a more sustainable country.
