
Galleria d'Italia Milan, calendar of meetings on the habits and customs of the Grand Tour

Until 27 March, the Intesa Sanpaolo Museum and the Circolo dei Lettori in Milan are proposing a series of meetings to explore the habits and customs of the travelers on the Grand Tour

Galleria d'Italia Milan, calendar of meetings on the habits and customs of the Grand Tour

Three appointments with free admission on 26st January16 February and the 9 March at the Milan headquarters of the Gallerie d'Italia in Piazza Scala and streamed on the YouTube channel of the Circolo dei Lettori of Milan.

First meeting on 26st January "I'm leaving for the Grand Tour… and I have nothing to wear!si held at 18,30 together with the professor Attilio Brilli and Simonetta Neri, author of the book "The Grand Tour travellers. Stories, loves, adventures".

The second meeting"I'm leaving for the Grand Tour: will I find a hostel where I can eat?of 16 February, sees the participation of Luke Clerici, curator of the two Meridiani Mondadori dedicated to "Italian travel writers". The meeting will focus on the culture of food that foreign and Italian travelers encountered during stops in such an anthropologically indented reality as that of Italy between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

While the last appointment to be held on 9 March “I'm leaving for the Grand Tour: which cities await me?” will be conducted by Cesare de Seta, art and architecture historian, author of the volume "Italy in the mirror of the Grand Tour" and "On the streets of letters and the arts". An opportunity to retrace travellers' destinations, Venice, Florence, Rome, Naples.

The series of meetings enriches the exhibition itinerary 'Grand Tour. Dream of Italy from Venice to Pompeii' and adds to the travel testimonies of painters, writers, poets and men of letters.

The appointments are free to enter reservation required at the toll-free number 800.167619 or by writing to
