Galleria del Cembalo (Rome): “IN UNO” with Giorgia Fiorio on 5 and 6 June

IN ONE Giorgia Fiorio

After thirty years of research around the human figure, this device contracts and presents two paths in one: The Gift (2000-2009) and Humanum (since 2010). Here photography is a luminous signal that does not replicate what is seen, it crosses "what is there that the vision contains". The Gift investigates the diversity of ritual expressions of Belief between the individual and what is unknowable of his living being. Humanum reconsiders the human figuration of archaic statuary in the perception of the present. The photographs of the gift are not images of someone, they do not document something, they summon what everyone knows is not anything but only Being. Similarly, with a device that reveals the transfiguration of the sculptural appearance in the evolution of light, Humanum's works do not portray statuesque portraits of someone who has lived, they interrogate the archetypal figure of what lives beyond the bodily existence. Accusative-nominative, humanum is the term of a contact where the sculpted subject and the living subject, superimposed, contemplate each other.

This is not an "exhibition", since one could not properly exhibit what is by definition invisible. More humbly, we are dealing here with the presentation of a continuous origin which inscribes its reflected presence in the stone or in the gesture of millenary acts – differently each one inalienable to its own culture.

The book of the Il Dono project received the Patronage of UNESCO in 2009. For the Humanum project, the archeology of Being, still ongoing since 2010, Giorgia Fiorio collaborated with the Ca' Foscari University of Venice, the Scuola Superiore, Sant'Anna di Pisa and worked at the National Archaeological Museum of Athens; the Acropolis Museum in Athens; the Louvre Museum in Paris; the Iraq Museum in Baghdad; the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, the National Archaeological Museum of Cyprus in Nicosia.

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