
Galateri: no foreclosure on Intesa

Signs of relaxation by Generali towards Intesa – President Galateri declared on Friday that the company has no preclusions in evaluating a possible industrial offer from Intesa Sanpaolo – Obviously evaluating does not mean approving but it is the signal that dialogue can start

Galateri: no foreclosure on Intesa

Generali slows down the rush to Piazza Affari and catches its breath after the 'sparks' of recent days. The speculative race on the Intesa SanPaolo plan cools down and the president of Leone, Gabriele Galateri di Genola extends a soothing hand to Carlo Messina. The group, he said on Friday morning on the sidelines of a conference on corporate governance, "has no preclusions" in examining a possible offer also from Intesa.

“'I didn't foreclose. I said – he clarified – that if there were hypotheses of industrial collaboration, valid and which respect even a little the rules of the game of governance in terms of clarity and transparency, we will obviously evaluate them”, explained Galateri.

The president of Generali wanted to add that "obviously in the context of the development of the group we will look at all the forms of collaboration that may arise, provided they are industrially valid and provided they travel in the perspective of our cornerstones, of being an Italian company, international, innovative and creates value for its shareholders”. For Galateri di Genola “this discussion of collaborations must take place in the context of clarity and transparency and the rules of governance. And on this aspect I would hope that the rules concerning market abuse will finally come out and that have been awaited for some time on the Italian market to give what I have just said that clarity and accountability that the market expects both from investors and from part of the issuers".
