
G-20: US-China truce, agreement on migrants

The G-20 in Buenos Aires ends with evidence of a thaw between Trump and Chinese president Xi, but with the US confirming that it is withdrawing from the Paris climate agreements and with a very vague agreement on trade and the need to reform the WTO - VIDEO.

G-20: US-China truce, agreement on migrants

At the end of a G-20 marked by the coldness between the American president Donald Trump and his Russian colleague Vladimir Putin, who instead from the images arrived from Buenos Aires has shown great confidence with the Saudi sheik Mohammad bin Salman, at least a draft was reached agree on some issues. However, protectionism is not one of these, which was at the center of the meeting together with the climate (on which the US has still resisted) and migrants. In fact, the final document signed by the 20 only speaks of problems that are emerging in international trade.

One point the agreement was found, albeit probably with many distinctions, is the reform of the WTO, the body that reviews and supervises trade agreements between the various member countries, over 160. An agreement on which 95% of the international trade, practically all of them. That the World Trade Organization is now close to many was well known, so much so that the WTO itself asked for changes, which were accepted. “For the first time – it is written in the final document – ​​it is recognized that the World Trade Organization it has failed in its objectives and therefore its reform is necessary".


In short, the leaders took note of the current problems, even if the word "protectionism" is mentioned in no document. On the other hand, evidence of a thaw has started between the United States e ChinaDonald Trump met Xi Jinping and granted him a truce on duties: therefore, in January the increase in US customs taxes from 10% to 25%, which was supposed to hit 200 billion dollars of goods imported from China, will not be triggered. For now, the protectionist measure has only been postponed, while negotiations between the two superpowers are restarting. But the climate changed precisely during the working dinner between the two delegations, which took place after the conclusion of the G20. “It was a fantastic and productive meeting that opens up unlimited possibilities for both the United States and China. It is a great honor to work with President Xi,” Trump commented.


If the climate has changed in US-China relations, the same cannot be said about the Paris accords. In fact, the United States withdrew from the Paris climate agreement: if the other participants confirm the "irreversible" nature of the pact, the United States they recall in a separate paragraph that they rejected the agreement. A single promise: they ensure that they will undertake to promote "economic growth, access to energy and security, to use all available technologies and energy sources, with full respect for the environment". A little bit.


The "large movements of refugees are a global concern with humanitarian, political, social and economic consequences: we underline the importance of shared actions to address the root causes of the displacement and respond to growing humanitarian needs" write the leaders at the end of the G-20 of Buenos Aires.

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The other problem addressed is the large global public debt, on which he has emphasized Christine Lagarde, president of the International Monetary Fund, who called on G20 leaders to urgently ease trade tensions and reverse increases in tariffs and tariffs, warning they risk slowing global growth. “Fiscal policy – ​​the statement reads – should rebuild resources where necessary, and be used in a flexible and pro-growth way, while ensuring that public debt remains on a sustainable path”. The press release stresses, among other things, that "the continued implementation of structural reforms will improve growth potential". At least where the reforms are being implemented.


Giuseppe Conte presents himself in front of journalists in Buenos Aires for the final conference on the G20 with his mind always on Italy and the confrontation with the EU Commission on the manoeuvre. And on the meeting he had with Jean Claude Juncker he says: "We touched on the formulation of the final solution". The prime minister explains that imposing sanctions on our country does not even benefit the Union.

"A rift with Italy on the maneuver - he says - it is not convenient for Europe because Europe is nothing other than Italy: we are on the same boat, and when you are on the same boat you have to land on a safe rock, or rather on a dry land that gives safety to all those on the boat".

Conte finally announced that the 20 G2011 will be held in Italy. Our country has exchanged the leadership of the body with India which wants to have the presidency in 2022, when the 75th anniversary of the country's independence will be celebrated.
