
Fukushima, rice is also radioactive

Traces of radioactive cesium well above the permitted limits were found in the most popular Japanese food produced just 60 km from the nuclear power plant damaged last March - The government has reacted by banning it.

Near Fukushima it grows radioactive rice. In the Onami area, in particular, the most popular and widespread of Japanese foods is contaminated by cesium, present in quantities much higher than the legal limits. To respond to the emergency, the Tokyo authorities have decided to ban it. This was announced by the head of the cabinet, Osamu Fujimura, who asked the governor of Fukushima prefecture to take "the necessary measures".

Fujimura has tried to reassure his fellow citizens: thanks to the checks by the Ministry of Agriculture, the contaminated rice has not been distributed on the market. "I have information that excludes that the problem could become serious," he explained without going into too much detail, adding that the government will continue to make every effort "to prevent" the spread of unfounded rumors about the contamination of Japanese agricultural products by radioactive substances.
