At the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy, they were presented the guidelines for the reorganization of fuel sector, in preparation of a bill (dll) which will be discussed in one of the next Councils of Ministers. The meeting involved the minister Adolfo Urso and the undersecretaries Massimo Bitonci and Claudio Barbaro, together with the trade associations.
Among main new features of the bill there is theelimination of the average price, which will be replaced with a QR code; incentives are provided for the ecological transformation of plants, with financing of 50% of expenses up to a maximum of 60 thousand euros. Another important point concerns the incentives for construction or renovation of buildings in areas with abandoned plants, which will benefit from a 10% volumetric bonus. The bill also includes the transition to electric. The objective of the reorganization is to rationalize the fuel network and encourage the transition towards more sustainable and green models, adapting the system to the new electric mobility.
Fuel reform: the four points of the reform
The bill discussed is based on four guidelines: regulate the authorization regime for fuel distribution activities; regulate contractual relationships relating to the management of distribution systems; amend the provisions on the indication of fuel prices; and rationalize and reconvert the urban and extra-urban distribution network. This last point also includes charging for electric cars.
New distributors only if they have green products, the QR code arrives
Le opening permits of new distributors, explains the undersecretary to Mimit Massimo Bitonci, will be subject to the obligation to distribute at least one product other than fossil fuels, such as charging stations. There plant conversion existing plants will benefit from financing of up to 50% of the expenses incurred, up to a maximum of 60 thousand euros, and there will be further incentives for the renovation of decommissioned plants. Furthermore, the display of the sign with the average price of fuel will be replaced by a Qr code, and the indication of the difference between served and self-service will be eliminated.
Urso: “Provision long awaited by the production categories”
“A measure long awaited by the production categories and on which we made a commitment precisely when, at the beginning of last year, we began a significant discussion with representatives of the sector for the application of the Decree on the transparency of fuel prices. Finally an organic law which will allow the points of sale to be qualified, to regulate their negotiations with the oil companies and to accompany the conversion towards electric, making the sector more sustainable", commented the Minister of Business and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso.