Fs: "Liquidity risk without payments from the Regions"

"We can't go on like this." To say it is the CEO of FS Mauro Moretti, speaking of dthe 1 billion credit that the group boasts with the regional administrations, on the sidelines of the press conference on the Green Train: “We have a situation of liquidity difficulty - Moretti stated -, we are not yet in a crisis and we are managing it, but we cannot continue in a slipping situation in which we provide a service and we do not get paid. We have to pay our workers and our suppliers and we cannot continue to do a crying service”.

“We have over one billion overdue credits from the regions – continued Moretti -. It is tiring to carry out a plan of investments of 2,5 billion for regional trains if nobody pays“. A knot, this of the credits, which will have to be resolved as soon as possible to avoid that the company has to "resize the service" in those regions, such as Lazio (which has a debt of more than 200 million) which are further behind with payments.

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